As returns home, a man finds a stray kitten comfortably seated in his chair, realizing that he has been handpicked and embraced by a furry companion who yearns for his love

We are used to stories about humans adopting stray pets, but this one is different. This is a story of a little cat who decided to adopt a human.
Nigel went home from work one day and found a cat chilling on his chair. He doesn’t own a pet, and the stray cat got in through an open window he forgot to close before going to work that morning. Puzzled, he asked around if someone lost a cat. Apparently, none of his neighbors did.
After feeding and caring for the cat, Nigel took him to the vet, where they found out he wasn’t microchipped and had worms and fleas, so they gave him the medical treatment he needed.
Nigel temporarily named him Lil Gato, and in the following days he continued to look for the owner. After a week of asking around and waiting for someone to claim the lost cat, Nigel and Lil Gato got closer together. Weeks passed by and Nigel eventually accepted the fact that the cat had adopted him, so he finally gave him a proper name, “I named him Buddy and he seems to love his new place. My Buddy boy. He adopted me”.

Nigel found this kitten inside his house, chilling on his chair. And here’s the catch… he doesn’t own a cat.

The kitten didn’t have a tag or a collar. Nigel also asked his neighbors but none of them lost a cat.

The next day, he took the cat to the vet, where they learned he wasn’t microchipped and had worms and fleas. Nigel temporarily called him Lil Gato.

The following week, he still waited for Lil Gato’s owners to claim him.

The cat loves the bathtub and felt immediately at home.

The weeks passed and Nigel and Lil Gato got closer and closer.

Nigel finally accepted the fact that the cat adopted him, so he decided to give him a proper name.

“I named him Buddy and he seems to love his new place. My Buddy boy. He adopted me”.

Read more: Meet Pooh: An Unstoppable Feline With New Legs Defying All Limits, Embodying A Boundless Spirit