Cat Carrying Five Pounds of Matted Fur Goes Through Incredible Transformation

An elderly man that found it hard to look after himself lived with his cat, sadly he wasn’t able to take proper care of him.

Instead of reaching out for help this poor cat was neglected.


“Sinbad came in to our shelter after a utility worker saw him in the home of an elderly gentleman. The man wasn’t able to care for himself very well, and that was evident in Sinbad’s condition,”


He had amassed a staggering 5lb of matted fur on his body before rescuers from the anti-cruelty society saved him from this situation.


The cat, named Sinbad, was described as dragging a carpet by the people who alerted the rescuers.

The shelter workers now had a daunting task of removing years of matted fur.


Sinbad was very cooperative during the whole ordeal as if he knew they were helping him.

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When the fur was shaved off it weighed more than half of his body weight, unfortunately due to the lack of use, his back legs were atrophied but still Sinbad didn’t give up.


After his monster haircut that lasted more than four hours, a kind man named Elliot Serrano took Sinbad home to foster him.

Elliot had intended to find Sinbad a new home but his plans changed when he fell in love with this adorable kitty.

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He says: “I’m just astounded at how he just loves people, even though people haven’t always treated him very well. It’s a lesson we could all learn.”


Three years down the line and Sinbad, now looking like a regular kitty, loves his new life in his forever home.



Related story: A Little Bit of Love and Care Goes a Long Long Way

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