Trio Of Blind Cats Named Odin, Loki, & Shadow Will Melt Your Heart. hih

If you ask me, all cats are beautiful. It doesn’t matter what their coat looks like, or their tail, or even their face. For Odin, Loki, and Shadow, I honestly got teary-eyed when I came across their profile. I was instantly smitten with this sweet trio of kitties who are living out their very best nine lives together in Switzerland. And although they’re a bit different than your average cat because of their vision impairments, you cannot help but love and marvel at their effortless beauty.

I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for special needs cats, and I especially love those cat lovers out there who make it their mission to take in these cats and treat them as if they’re no different than any other cat. Because, after all, every cat deserves a chance to be loved—no matter what.


How did Odin, Loki, and Shadow come into your life?

In late 2020, my partner and I went to a local rescue and met a litter of four kittens who had been found on a farm with badly infected eyes. Two of them were blind, two still had a good eye.

We looked up caring for blind cats and found a lot of scary articles that made it seem complicated. So we adopted the two one-eyed kittens and named them Odin and Hana. Someone else adopted their blind siblings.

Sadly, half a year later our little Hana passed away from a sudden illness. We reached out to the rescue to find a friend for Odin. To our shock, they said his original blind littermates had just been returned!

We still didn’t want blind cats, let alone three cats. But when we went to the rescue to choose another kitten, we met the blindies. They were so sweet that the decision made itself.


Read more: These feline siblings refuse to be separated, standing by each other through tough times and proving that family is everything. 0hh